Thursday, September 24, 2020

frisbee on the beach

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

lychee martinis are the bee's knees?

The enjoyment of sipping on a lychee martini paused at the sight of a bee.  As I looked at the bee nestled inside the vodka infused garnish, you could see their well preserved antennae and wings. But, even up close, it was difficult to tell if bees have knees.  I will say that lychee martinis are tasty, no matter how many knees you have.

welcome emmett

Congratulations to Evie, Eileen and Colin on their newest member of their family, Emmett Matthew.  For more pictures, click here.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

'twas the night before christmas

After feasting on Italian good eats, we gathered around the Christmas Tree to open Aunt Toni's gifts flown in from the West coast.  This year she sent us gifts in the form of a grab bag game.  According to the rules, our serene Aunt encouraged thievery and gave us permission to steal a gifts from each other.  With a food coma taxing our spirit, not even sibling rivalry could tempt anyone to commit a Christmas robbery.    

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

emmett's shower

True to the definition of a baby shower, the soon-to-be baby Emmett was showered with tiny articles of clothing and huge trays of food.  If the shower is a prelude to his future, Emmett shall never go unclothed or hungry.   As Jon gently pointed out, an actual baby shower was not present. So I can only assume that his hygiene will be just like any other little boy, secondary. Looking forward to meeting Emmett and wishing him a happy, healthy and sticky boyhood.

Stay tuned for our next shower . . . Toni and Jeremy . . .

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

are you ready for some powder puff football?

On a crisp Sunday afternoon, we went over to Veteran's Field to watch Schaumburg's First Annual Charity Powder Puff football game. Heather, along with the other Schaumburg football moms, took to the field and played the Schaumburg Cheerleader moms.  After 3 flags, 2 injuries and a couple questionable calls, our favorite football mom beat the cheerleader moms 12-6.

Since it was for charity, the real victor of the game was the Schaumburg Food Pantry who collected goods for their distribution hub.  For more pictures, click here.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

noelle joins the family

We welcomed Noelle Mariana into the family this weekend. Congratulations to Lauren and Jimmy on their newest addition to the family.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


The weekend of Kohler International Competition with Brian Redman at Road America.  For more pictures, Click Here

Monday, August 2, 2010

waspy wasp

European paper wasps are not known for their diet of nectar or pollen.  They are more know for their diet of caterpillars, flies and beetle larvae.  One could say that they are my friendly ally in the on-going battle against the japanese beetle.  However, their painful stinger, keeps them at garden acquaintances than friends.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Lauren and Jimmy's baby shower

We headed up North to Lauren and Jimmy's baby shower.   It was a bbq themed baby shower complete with pulled pork, bags and beer to help make the fellas feel  more at home.  It worked for a short while.  As soon as the presents were about to be opened, the bbq charm wore off and they were suddenly no where to be found.  Amazingly enough, they appeared just in time for cake.  Click here for more pictures.

Friday, July 23, 2010