A few years back, we were driving around downtown and you knew something was going on. Along with streets lined with movie trailers, they were beautifying a portion of the L-tracks and there was an burned semi-truck overturned at Grand and State. Then we saw the prop truck and the prop-master loading the dummy onto the truck. Only later did we figure out that it was the making of Batman - The Dark Knight.
Now, fast forward a few years to present . . . We went to see the Black Knight. We went for a couple of reasons. First, it seemed like a movie that needed to be seen on the big screen. Second, Fandango has a 2 for 1 deal on tickets. It was meant to be.
The movie was good. The movie was long. There were a few things that I liked. I liked the background of the characters. Don't get me wrong I love the classic, action-packed, 'Crash', 'Bam', 'Ooof' Batman tv series, but the movie built up the reason on how the characters came to be. And the new Batman does have some pretty slick gadgets to give the movie a different sort of 'Pow'. I mostly liked being able to pick out different buildings and areas of Chicago. It put some closure on one issue. I finally figured out how the semi truck got overturned. One thing still bothers me, I never did figure out where this dummy came from. Maybe one day I'll figure it out.