Wednesday, October 6, 2010

are you ready for some powder puff football?

On a crisp Sunday afternoon, we went over to Veteran's Field to watch Schaumburg's First Annual Charity Powder Puff football game. Heather, along with the other Schaumburg football moms, took to the field and played the Schaumburg Cheerleader moms.  After 3 flags, 2 injuries and a couple questionable calls, our favorite football mom beat the cheerleader moms 12-6.

Since it was for charity, the real victor of the game was the Schaumburg Food Pantry who collected goods for their distribution hub.  For more pictures, click here.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

noelle joins the family

We welcomed Noelle Mariana into the family this weekend. Congratulations to Lauren and Jimmy on their newest addition to the family.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


The weekend of Kohler International Competition with Brian Redman at Road America.  For more pictures, Click Here

Monday, August 2, 2010

waspy wasp

European paper wasps are not known for their diet of nectar or pollen.  They are more know for their diet of caterpillars, flies and beetle larvae.  One could say that they are my friendly ally in the on-going battle against the japanese beetle.  However, their painful stinger, keeps them at garden acquaintances than friends.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Lauren and Jimmy's baby shower

We headed up North to Lauren and Jimmy's baby shower.   It was a bbq themed baby shower complete with pulled pork, bags and beer to help make the fellas feel  more at home.  It worked for a short while.  As soon as the presents were about to be opened, the bbq charm wore off and they were suddenly no where to be found.  Amazingly enough, they appeared just in time for cake.  Click here for more pictures.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

congratulations to dan and caroline

Congratulations to Dan and Caroline on their recent wedding in Oak Park, Illinois.  It was a gorgeous summer day and not a single cloud in sight.  That is, unless you count the band, JT & The Clouds.  Then, there would be a total of 5 melodic clouds that could be seen on their picturesque day.  For more pictures from the wedding click here.

Monday, June 28, 2010

tommy turns 4

Tommy celebrated his 4th birthday at his new house along with a group of his friends.  The birthday party had all the essentials for the makings of an adolescent affair to remember - balloons, bubble wrap, fire truck pinata and a trip to the fire department.  For more pictures, click here.

Friday, June 18, 2010

oak park storm

Strong winds blew through Lombard Street and Oak Park became the windy city for a short while.  If Oak Park was the windy city, then that made Dan's house the Sears Willis Tower.  Just like the Willis Tower, a storm window on the One-Story porch popped out and landed on the freshly painted wood floor unscathed. (Click here for article.)  Unfortunately, the same could not be said for a few trees that lay victim to the Wizard of Oz storm.