Monday, June 2, 2008

For the love of the cubs

For a true cubs fan, nothing will stop them from watching the game. Last Tuesday night, the fans were bundled up like snowman to keep warm for the wicked wind that whipped through the stands at Wrigley. A few sought refuge in the bathroom for warmth. And we all know that seeking refuge in a bathroom is dire and must mean love.

Last Thursday night was no different. An anonymous cub fan battled it out with a steel pole in order to watch the game. This die-hard cub fan was seated 1 foot clear of the pole with 3 open seats to his left and 6 open seats behind him. Why wouldn't he move? Cubby Love.

Take a closer look at the photo and you may spot the Prior jersey in front of him. Prior is gone. Cut your losses, remove the letters and keep the jersey. Now that would be Cubby love.

While watching the game, some nut bag of a vendor would walk by and scream, 'PEANUTS!@?!' with a hair-raising scream that was absolute murder the ear drums. There was no love from him.

There was a little bit of chaos on the field as well. Luckily an old friend, Ron Santo, sang the 7th inning stretch and Kerry Wood closed in the top of the ninth to make things right again in Wrigleyville. Cubs beat the Rockies 8-4.

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