Friday, May 30, 2008

wedding ettitude

One thing that I have noticed about planning a wedding reception is that there is a distinct wedding attitude and etiquette that people tend to follow. I like to call it the wedding ettitude.

The wedding industry tends to put on an ever-joyous disposition along an oh so gentle demeanor. They also have an up-charge for wedding services. This is a possible reason for their ever-joyous ettitude and kid/ white satin glove treatment.

Then I thought about it some more. It could also be out of fear of what may happen if the bride is mistreated. You might be singing a different tune. Instead of 'Here comes the bride,' it could be Talking Heads, 'Psycho Killer.' For those out of the reality show loop. Bridezilla is similar to the comic hero, David Banner, when things spiral out of control, her face turns colors and busts out of her normal self and into a Hulkified, tattered state of emotions. Not a pretty sight, but it is pretty entertaining on reality tv.

Maybe that is just the way the industry has evolved and what we come to expect. After all, it would be odd if a used car sales man treated you like a wedding consultant. Likewise, it would be odd if a wedding consultant treated you like a used car sales man.

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