Monday, July 13, 2009

do i feel lucky?

Inspired by my Mafia video game, I decided that it was time to learn how to shoot a gun along with a little gun etiquette. We headed out to the range to test my shot. In particular, I was looking to test my shot with the 45, since that is my mafia guy, I mean, 'property manager's' weapon of choice.

I started out with a smaller, film noir revolver and worked my way up to the .45. The .45 was surprisingly a lot heavier than I thought it would be, and there was more kick to the gun than I had expected. A few things that do not translate directly into video games.

And shockingly enough, one of the trickier parts was figuring out how many shots I took before I had to reload the magazine. I was concentrating on other aspects of shooting that counting them seemed non-essential. Then I thought about one particular time when it would be essential to know exactly how many shots have been fired . . . I can now fully understand Dirty Harry's line, 'Do I feel lucky?'

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