Monday, July 28, 2008

Dawn keeps grease and pests out of your way

Being new to the farming industry, I was not equipped to take on garden pests. Or so I thought. The other day I found some sort of insects devouring my crop. They were black with metallic wings and white spots the lined the edge of their devious butt. I figured out that they were japanese beetles. I also found out that if you have japanese beetles, you can make a non-toxic solution of dish soap and water to get rid of them. Just pick, toss and repeat. Mere water would do the trick, but adding the soap to the water keeps also helps to keep the mosquitoes away while the beetles soak.

The best part is there is no clean up. If you allow the beetle carcus to dry in the sun near the plants, the decaying carcus keeps more beetles from using your plant for a buffet. The worst part about it, it looks a bit disgusting, but that's the circle of life and the life of a farmer.

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