Friday, July 25, 2008

it might be, it could be, it is - the venue

After a bit of research, a few awkward situations and a lot of patience, we picked a place for the reception. It is a swanky, little joint nestled in the heart of the Gold Coast called Maxim's.

Why this place? It was the siren-like combination of the historic, art deco interiors and the debonair event coordinator dressed to impress, we just couldn't resist.

Walking down the ornate, red, velvety staircase, you feel like you've strolled back in time to the 1920's. It has a soothing, speak easy feel to it. That got me thinking. . . Wouldn't it be fun if everyone dressed up in roaring 20's couture. . . Awe, come on now. You have to admit, that 'speak easy' does have a nice ring to it. Just a thought.

A bit of archi history . . . The building, Astor Tower, was originally designed as an up-scale hotel and restaurant in 1961 by architect, Bertrand Goldberg. It is now a private residence and the restaurant was donated to the Chicago Cultural Center. Oh yes. Getting back to the architect. You know the guy's work. Just think . . . Steve Mc Queen, The Hunter and car crash. Or more recently, the Allstate commercial, where the car drives off the edge of the concrete, corn cob looking building into the Chicago River. That's the same architect.

The restaurant, now, that's another story. The interiors are the same as the original Maxim's de Paris in France. Like it's older French sister, the restaurant played host to the rich and famous. If the walls of Maxim's could talk, I bet they'd have some pretty good People, maybe even Star gossip.

So it looks like we've got our place and we'd like to make sure you have yours. Next up on the list of things to do . . . hotel accommodations. We'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

rachelleb said...

Looks great! Can't wait!